"This ballooning defense budget played a significant role in turning the budget surplus projected a decade ago into a massive deficit," according to a report released by the center on Thursday. 上周四该中心发表的报告称,“10年前美国预算盈余之所以会变成今天的赤字黑洞,日益膨胀的国防开支难辞其咎”。
Office of Management and Budget Director Jim Nussle says a slowing economy combined with the costs of an economic stimulus package, are the main culprits for the current spike in the deficit. 管理及预算办公室主任尼塞尔说,经济发展减缓再加上经济刺激方案的费用是目前赤字直线上升的根源。
Now that our budget is in the black, how about turning our attention to the national sleep deficit? 我们国家的预算现在已经开始盈余了,但是什么时候我们才能把我们的注意力集中到我们的睡眠赤字上去呢?
Experts said the Uzbek government is looking to cut budget spending in the current deficit conditions. 报道称乌兹别克斯坦政府正在想尽办法控制现在的财政赤字状况。
The federal budget, which is in deficit to the tune of A$ 49bn, could also face further headwinds if commodity prices do not recover. 如果大宗商品价格不出现反弹,澳大利亚联邦预算可能也会受到进一步影响,目前该国联邦预算赤字高达490亿澳元。
Not long ago, before the euro existed, French politicians would have felt uncomfortable presenting a budget in deficit. 不久前,也就是在欧元诞生之前,法国政治人士若递交一份带赤字的预算,会觉得很不舒服。
The budget is in deficit, the current account is near zero, and the peso is overvalued. 财政预算已经亏空,现金账户几乎为零,而且比索已经估值过高了。
When a country's budget balance can move from a 2 per cent surplus to an 11 per cent deficit within two years, sanctions that kick in when a 3 per cent deficit threshold is crossed, or even before, are ineffective. 如果一国预算平衡能够在两年内从2%盈余变为11%赤字,在突破3%的警戒线之后(甚至之前)进行制裁,是不会有效的。
In the US, the Congressional Budget Office estimates how much each piece of putative legislation will alter the budget deficit over the following decade. 在美国,国会预算办公室(CongressionalBudgetOffice)会估计每一项有望通过的立法在未来十年内会对财政赤字产生怎样的影响。
Added to the 8.3 per cent budget deficit approved in December 2008, the combined deficit would be about 17 per cent, giving rise to significant concerns. 再计入去年12月通过的8.3%的预算赤字,综合赤字将达GDP的17%,从而引发了严重担忧。
In enterprise budget perspective, all above means increasing cost and decreasing income; in the macro view, all above means foreign trade deficit is increasing and foreign exchange reserves is decreasing. 这些表现在企业收支上,也就是成本的提高与收入的减少;在国家层而则表现为外贸收支逆差增加和外汇储备减少或外债增加,由此落入发展陷阱。